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What would you do in this situation

Postby Drade » Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:02 am

$20+2 NL on Party poker. About 1850 players started and you're down to 400. The tournament pays out to 220. The blinds are 200-400 and you've got 2800 chips after posting the big blind this hand.

You're dealt [Js] [7h] . MP with about 6000 chips limps in and the SB completes. You check and see a [Td] [7s] [3c] flop. The SB checks, you check, and the MP limper checks. The turn is the [7d] . What would you do and why?

I didn't actually play this hand, I was observing my poker protege/girlfriend playing. She went all in, got called by MP who had pocket three's, and was knocked out. Is there any way she can avoid going out here?

Analyzing the situation, she's not in dire straits, so she doesn't have to move in here. At the same time, it's hard to put either player on a hand here because they didn't raise pre flop or bet the flop. I suppose she could have led at the flop for a pot sized bet and had she been raised, could have folded. But if the MP smooth called the flop, which is likely, then the money's surely going in on the turn anyway, thus saving nothing.

The all in on the turn could be questionable. It seems like one of those hands where the only person who can call you is somebody who has you beat. At the same time, I kind of like it because it looks like you're trying to buy the pot, and may get somebody with a pocket pair to call you. What do you guys think?

On a side note, I too played in the tournament. She oulasted me by about 1300 players. I'd like to post a tournament summary one day, but I'm trying to wait for a summary that contains more than 10 hands. :lol:

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Postby euri10 » Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:12 am

I would have played the same way, no way not to be busted imho
I cried because I had no draw, until I met a man with no pair>>>MVSPORTS
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Postby starstealer » Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:15 am

I think her move is fine here - while you say she's not in dire straights - she's in a tight spot and needs chips. When no one puts any action in on the flop and the turn gives her trips - I think that is a good time to take it down or take their money. It happens in this case that she was beat - but I bet she takes the pot down here about 75% of the time.

In any case, sometimes the 10-hand tournament reports can actually reveal plenty about your play. Last year, I played a satellite to the $500 WCOOP PL O8 event and was knocked out in 16 hands or something. I posted it (on UPF) because I found something wrong with my play at every level. It was one of those tournaments that you look back at and wonder what the heck you were thinking.

Therefore, I would encourage you to post the tournament - maybe there is something that can be gleaned from it that you don't immediately recognize. Maybe you played one hand, flopped well but not well enough. Maybe this is an indication that you are focusing on getting the right odds - but not focusing on survival.

In any case, she had a solid showing - I'm sure she'll be doing well in the future.

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