For the past few months my results at the $50 PLO tables at UB had been such that I decided to have a look at the $100 tables, since my bankroll allows for it and since half of the players there are regulars at the $50 tables against whom I usually survive.
However, the excursion was not a big success. Although there were no huge differences between the games I found a few people more aggressive, and very few hands got checked around.
I played for 2 hours and was involved in only in three big hands. One I managed to get my stack in preflop with AAxx double suited and won against another pair of aces. The other two I lost and are here for you to criticise.
Hand 1. I have a full stack, $100, in MP, and limp in with QQ87ds. A few callers. Flop is Q96r. There is a min. bet in front of me and I raise the pot ($10). Two players call, the SB ($40 stack) and an EP player who has me covered. Turn is another 9. Both check, and since I put them on str.draws. I bet only half the pot to see if I can milk them a bit. Only SB calls. River is a 4. Now SB bets $10, and I raise him allin. Unfortunately he has 99xx for quads.
Hand 2. My stack is $120, and I have AAxx, with the xx nothing special, and I limp in in MP. Flop is [7d][4s], and I have no spades. BB (stack $150) bets the minimum, and I raise the pot (about $10). LP player (stack $250) reraises the pot. BB flat calls. I decided to push allin here, in the hope of getting it heads up. That worked: LP folds (he later declared to have middle set), but BB thinks a bit and calls. Turn is fine, but river is a 2 and I lose to 3456. Opponent had no spades.
Anyone who plays this less aggressively? I think the BB's call of my allin made sense, since I am unlikely to have the spade draw so his outs are probably clean - he has 13 outs twice and it's about $70 to call for a $265 pot. But his earlier call (of the LP's reraise) is more of a mystery to me, since for all he knew, he could be up against a set and a spade draw. Anyhow, this guy went on to clean the table and left with about $600.
Any comments?