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Session analysis, part 1

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Session analysis, part 1

Postby Aisthesis » Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:24 am

I thought I'd try something a bit different if I can make it all the way through. Basically, the idea is to go through a whole session and see what you guys think. I'm going to do it in parts, though, as 1 continuous post would be completely impossible to read--and I can also quit if it gets to be too much.

PLO100 on Stars. The table started off looking decent, with average pot around $25. I'm in the 1 seat (by virtue of defaults), and there are 3 known players there, whom I'll mention by name, as I figure a lot of you guys who play the $100s know them, too: andersCleanU in the 2 seat with full stack. I used to consider him pretty good, and he's definitely fairly tight, but you'll see some rather bizarre hands by him later on. (edit: he's not even at the table right at the beginning but there for most of the session)

Then DrgonBalls in the 4 seat with more than a full stack. He's pretty loose and can sometimes get even maniacal, but I think he also respects my bets by now. While I would prefer to have position on him, I'm not all that worried about being a little OOP to him most of the time. He also seems to be playing more reasonably of late.

Then Sandro Cava, who I don't remember seeing at all a few months ago but is there about every time these days, is in the 6 seat with full stack or so. He's 16%/7%, so very tight and also very aggro. My main note on him is that he CBs way too much and always for pot.

Finally, im35hbb with more than a full stack in the 7 seat. He's pretty LAG, tends to slowplay very strong hands, which I guess he considers monsters but are often definitely at a risk of getting outdrawn. I do like having position on him, particularly with his having a lot of chips.

Over the course of the session, the table tightens up for kind of the mid stretch (down to pots of $10 at one point) but then goes back up to around $30 or so. I felt like the game was actually still playing ok even when it was showing $10. I mention this also because I've occasionally left a table, only to find it really juicy 10 minutes later--after I've switched.

I think I'll leave it at that for this portion of the post, and just go through some hands chronologically. I'm hoping this will give some feel for table texture as well as how I'm trying to adjust. I'm also planning on including even any folds on my part that I consider possibly questionable, but I'm obviously not going to include the hands played by everyone else, even though that does have some relevance on reads.
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