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Aces in 7 stud

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Aces in 7 stud

Postby briachek » Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:39 pm

I see Aces in 7 stud and feel unless i'm obviously beat, I'm seeing it to the river. I actually won a $44 pot with unimproved aces because it got so big and 5 people in and no one's board was threatening.

Hand 1

Seat 1: Pmajestyk ($71.50 in chips)
Seat 2: BabyLuke ($103.80 in chips)
Seat 3: SPOC ($51.08 in chips)
Seat 4: briachek ($64 in chips)
Seat 5: risky ($79 in chips)
Seat 6: Dave147 ($64.43 in chips)
Seat 7: merca12 ($85.75 in chips)
Pmajestyk: posts the ante $0.25
briachek: posts the ante $0.25
BabyLuke: posts the ante $0.25
SPOC: posts the ante $0.25
Dave147: posts the ante $0.25
merca12: posts the ante $0.25
risky: posts the ante $0.25
----- 3rd STREET -----
dealt to Pmajestyk [3s]
dealt to BabyLuke [2s]
dealt to SPOC [Jd]
dealt to briachek [Ah As 8c]
dealt to risky [7h]
dealt to Dave147 [5c]
dealt to merca12 [Ac]
BabyLuke: brings-in $0.50
SPOC: calls $0.50
briachek: raises $1
risky: calls $1
Dave147: calls $1
merca12: raises $2
Pmajestyk: folds
BabyLuke: folds
SPOC: calls $1.50
briachek: raises $2
risky: folds
Dave147: calls $2
Razman001 joins the table at seat #8
merca12: calls $1
SPOC: calls $1
----- 4th STREET -----
dealt to SPOC [Jd][Js]
dealt to briachek [Ah As 8c][9h]
dealt to Dave147 [5c][Th]
dealt to merca12 [Ac][5d]
SPOC: checks
briachek: bets $2
Dave147: calls $2
merca12: folds
SPOC: calls $2
----- 5th STREET -----
dealt to SPOC [Jd Js][6s]
dealt to briachek [Ah As 8c 9h][6d]
dealt to Dave147 [5c Th][3h]
SPOC: checks
briachek: bets $2
Dave147: calls $2
SPOC: calls $2
----- 6th STREET -----
dealt to SPOC [Jd Js 6s][9s]
dealt to briachek [Ah As 8c 9h 6d][4c]
dealt to Dave147 [5c Th 3h][Qd]
SPOC: checks
briachek: bets $2
Dave147: calls $2
SPOC: calls $2
----- RIVER -----
dealt to briachek [Ah As 8c 9h 6d 4c][Tc]
SPOC: checks
briachek: checks
Dave147: bets $2
SPOC: folds
briachek: calls $2
----- SHOW DOWN -----
Dave147: shows [5h 5s 5c Qc Qd Th 3h] (A Full House, Fives full of Queens)
briachek: mucks hand
Dave147 collected $35.50 from Main pot

Hand 2

Seat 1: Raja009 ($42.70 in chips)
Seat 2: lclee ($200 in chips)
Seat 3: merca12 ($110.68 in chips)
Seat 4: briachek ($80.25 in chips)
Seat 5: Got_Odds ($60 in chips)
Seat 6: CHRISTYBB ($55.50 in chips)
Seat 7: Petros002 ($19.25 in chips)
Seat 8: YOYO69 ($70.75 in chips)
briachek: posts the ante $0.25
Got_Odds: posts the ante $0.25
YOYO69: posts the ante $0.25
CHRISTYBB: posts the ante $0.25
Petros002: posts the ante $0.25
merca12: posts the ante $0.25
Raja009: posts the ante $0.25
lclee: posts the ante $0.25
----- 3rd STREET -----
dealt to Raja009 [3c]
dealt to lclee [Ts]
dealt to merca12 [7d]
dealt to briachek [Ah Ad Tc]
dealt to Got_Odds [5c]
dealt to CHRISTYBB [4c]
dealt to Petros002 [Jh]
dealt to YOYO69 [8d]
Raja009: brings-in $0.50
lclee: calls $0.50
merca12: calls $0.50
briachek: raises $1
Got_Odds: folds
CHRISTYBB: calls $1
Petros002: calls $1
YOYO69: folds
Raja009: folds
lclee: calls $0.50
Raja009 sits out
merca12: calls $0.50
----- 4th STREET -----
dealt to lclee [Ts][As]
dealt to merca12 [7d][6d]
dealt to briachek [Ah Ad Tc][5d]
dealt to CHRISTYBB [4c][2h]
dealt to Petros002 [Jh][Qd]
lclee: checks
merca12: checks
briachek: bets $1
CHRISTYBB: calls $1
Petros002: calls $1
lclee: calls $1
merca12: calls $1
----- 5th STREET -----
dealt to lclee [Ts As][8s]
dealt to merca12 [7d 6d][4h]
dealt to briachek [Ah Ad Tc 5d][7c]
dealt to CHRISTYBB [4c 2h][5s]
dealt to Petros002 [Jh Qd][9h]
lclee: checks
merca12: checks
briachek: bets $2
CHRISTYBB: calls $2
Petros002: calls $2
Raja009 sits back
lclee: calls $2
merca12: folds
----- 6th STREET -----
dealt to lclee [Ts As 8s][8h]
dealt to briachek [Ah Ad Tc 5d 7c][6c]
dealt to CHRISTYBB [4c 2h 5s][4d]
dealt to Petros002 [Jh Qd 9h][4s]
lclee: bets $2
briachek: calls $2
CHRISTYBB: calls $2
Petros002: calls $2
----- RIVER -----
dealt to briachek [Ah Ad Tc 5d 7c 6c][7s]
lclee: checks
briachek: checks
Petros002: bets $2
lclee: calls $2
briachek: calls $2
----- SHOW DOWN -----
Petros002: shows [Qs Qd 9s 9h Jh 5h 4s] (Two Pairs, Queens and Nines, Jack high)
lclee: mucks hand
briachek: shows [Ah Ad 7s 7c Tc 6c 5d] (Two Pairs, Aces and Sevens, Ten high)
briachek collected $33 from Main pot

Hand 3

Seat 1: hotgirl ($16.50 in chips)
Seat 2: Rados0309 ($190 in chips)
Seat 3: Slabnose ($105.77 in chips)
Seat 4: briachek ($67.25 in chips)
Seat 5: Luckylynn ($68 in chips)
Seat 6: C_leucas ($129 in chips)
Seat 7: Radiohand ($15 in chips)
Seat 8: Kena22111 ($208.25 in chips)
briachek: posts the ante $0.25
Slabnose: posts the ante $0.25
C_leucas: posts the ante $0.25
Luckylynn: posts the ante $0.25
Radiohand: posts the ante $0.25
hotgirl: posts the ante $0.25
Kena22111: posts the ante $0.25
Rados0309: posts the ante $0.25
----- 3rd STREET -----
dealt to hotgirl [6h]
dealt to Rados0309 [6d]
dealt to Slabnose [Kh]
dealt to briachek [Ad 7s Ac]
dealt to Luckylynn [Qd]
dealt to C_leucas [2d]
dealt to Radiohand [Ah]
dealt to Kena22111 [9s]
C_leucas: brings-in $0.50
Radiohand: calls $0.50
Kena22111: calls $0.50
hotgirl: calls $0.50
Rados0309: folds
Slabnose: calls $0.50
briachek: raises $1
Luckylynn: folds
C_leucas: folds
Radiohand: calls $0.50
Kena22111: calls $0.50
hotgirl: calls $0.50
Slabnose: calls $0.50
----- 4th STREET -----
dealt to hotgirl [6h][2h]
dealt to Slabnose [Kh][Th]
dealt to briachek [Ad 7s Ac][4h]
dealt to Radiohand [Ah][Qh]
dealt to Kena22111 [9s][3d]
Radiohand: bets $1
Kena22111: calls $1
hotgirl: folds
Slabnose: calls $1
briachek: raises $2
Radiohand: calls $1
Kena22111: calls $1
Slabnose: calls $1
----- 5th STREET -----
dealt to Slabnose [Kh Th][8h]
dealt to briachek [Ad 7s Ac 4h][8d]
dealt to Radiohand [Ah Qh][5h]
dealt to Kena22111 [9s 3d][Ks]
Radiohand: checks
Kena22111: checks
Slabnose: bets $2
briachek: raises $4
Radiohand: folds
Kena22111: calls $4
Slabnose: calls $2
----- 6th STREET -----
dealt to Slabnose [Kh Th 8h][7c]
dealt to briachek [Ad 7s Ac 4h 8d][Qs]
dealt to Kena22111 [9s 3d Ks][Jh]
briachek: bets $2
Kena22111: calls $2
Slabnose: folds
----- RIVER -----
dealt to briachek [Ad 7s Ac 4h 8d Qs][Jd]
briachek: checks
Kena22111: checks
----- SHOW DOWN -----
briachek: shows [Ad Ac Qs Jd 8d 7s 4h] (A Pair of Aces, Queen high)
Kena22111: mucks hand
briachek collected $30 from Main pot

I figured the one guy was representing the flush but didn't have it so i hoped to fold out some of the others.
Brian [Js][9s]
Anyone who gets in a fair fight, has no tactical skills.
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