It's quite possibly the softest game ever. Turned 80 bucks into over 300 in less than an hour (live) because EVERYONE stays in the ENTIRE time. If they spread this online, I'm willing to bet you could make 6-7 big bets an hour.
The biggest difference is that there will ALWAYS be a low, therefore high hands lose value, while very good low hands (A23 or A24) go Waaaaaaaay up in value. All you gotta do in this game is play big low draws. Don't even worry about the high most of the time. I think to enter a pot for just high you probably want to be either rolled up, or have a nice 3 card straight flush draw. I've only played this game a few times but that was the basic strategy I used. I didn't win a single pot for high, but It's not rare to have 6 or 7 people in the pot for about 2-3 bets each street. So winning half the pot is very nice.