by GodlikeRoy » Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:59 am
Where does it say ANYWHERE in his post, or in this thread, or on this forum for that matter, that we will "softplay" each other? In fact I remember reading a post (by seb i think?) just a couple of days ago where he stated that piers had won quite a few pots of him regardless of the fact that they both posted on this forum.
The reason k3nt is asking for screennames is so that A) we can recognise each other when we play and say a friendly hello, and B) so we know to adjust our play to the appropriate skill level of the player we're playing against. How is that different to making a note on a player that states that they're decent? How does that, in any way, affect any of the other players at the table?
Please don't make assumptions based on your own perceptions, especially when you're completely wrong.