Rhound, that definitely happens at GC, but to my mind it's a plus, not a minus.
If they sit down short, they're fish. They won't pay you much but they will pay you. Then if you're lucky they'll rebuy and pay you again.
Among other things, these players always always always violate the 10x rule when calling raises -- so when you get AA, KK, QQ, and raise to more than 1/10th of their stack (which you will always do just by making a regular raise) and they call (which they love to do), you know for certain they are not getting the odds to call right there. It's a very easy +EV situation every time.
So shortstacks are almost always fish. Even on the big tables. I watched a GC 6-max $100/$200 blinds NL game - max $20,000 buy-in -- for a while the other day. More than half the table at any time had $5,000 or less -- 25 BB or less. All the time. Only two people had more than that, and (surprise, surprise) they kept on winning money from everybody else who sat down short. One guy won more than $10,000 in like 20 minutes while I watched.
Here's a memorable sequence. One guy's preflop aces are cracked by kings (raise but not reraise preflop, K on the flop, they're both shortstacked so when KK pushes, AA has to call). AA guy swears and swears and rebuys another $5,000. He then goes all-in from UTG on the next hand preflop. Folds to the BB (another shortstack) who, um, calls the $5,000 bet with, um,
[9s]. UTG has AJ and takes it down. Craziness.