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Site Numbers 5.50pm GMT Saturday - 6 max on the rise?

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Site Numbers 5.50pm GMT Saturday - 6 max on the rise?

Postby excession » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:41 am

Just fired up the various sites I play at to see the traffic numbers:

Party 33k
Stars 30K
UB/Pokershare 11k
Prima Network9k
Paradise 8k
Empire/Coral (ex Party skins) 6k
Crypto Network 5k

I've been playing the $100 NL 6 max at various Crypto sites for the past 3 weeks and I am pretty sure that there have been at least 10 games for me to choose from whenever I have logged on. There are at the moment 32 full 6 max tables at $100/£100 or 100 Euro level (only one Euro one - rest equal split $/£). By contrast there are only 5 full ring tables (although 4 of them are at the $100 level)

By contrast Party has 43 6 max $100 tables going at the moment and 20 Full Ring Ones.

Empire has 10 6 max and 2 Full Ring at the same levels.

So certainly on all the above sites you can find juicy SSNL 6 max action just about any time. Full Ring you may get stuck on a tougher table unless you go for one of the bigger ones.

Not sure what this all shows, except that even the ex-Party skins are still viable sites at least for 6 max play at the moment.

The other thing that surprised me was the amount of traffic still at Paradise, when hardly anyone mentions it. They've started doing reload bonuses again and there must be a fair few fish in those 8000 players. I think I might pay a visit back there - it was my first non_-UK site.
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