Hello - posted this in PTforums but didnt get any responses
Sorry if there has been threads about this already, i had a good look but couldn't quite find what i was after.
Anyway, i was wondering if there is a way of finding patterns or correlations between PT stats. I'll give an example -
On the session notes tab, there are columns for 'minutes' and '$ won'. Now, there is possibly some correlation for the amount of time one plays and his net$ (say I win more bb/nr at shorter sessions or vice versa, or maybe there is an 'ideal' medium point), but this is pretty dificult to tell from a table. Is there a way of putting this info into a graph or something?
Also i'd like to see what the pattern between my VPIP and my Net$ and likewise with other stats like aggression factor, pfraise% etc. Is there a way of getting this info into a graph (sorry i'm a PT and computer noobie btw!)
Cheers in advance for any responses