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PT Noob

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PT Noob

Postby Andy » Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:38 pm

Edit: made this into a journal


I have just bought pokertracker and found this forum, and I must say it is rather overwhelming. Therefore I has startet this tread to post my questions concerning PT.

I'm starting of on Pacific where my BR is (about $1000), my goal is to get the bankroll for NL 200, as that is where the 6 max table starts on Pacific. I think I will start by playing a couple of 1000 hands on NL 25 until i am comfortable with PT and gametime+.

So I used the link for this article ( to auto rate the players. Is this the right ratings (the NL50final.TXT link) I should use?

Next I started the auto-import from Pacific, and also checked the "auto rate players when importing HH", and set the observed hands to more or equal than 7 players. But when I am playing at the table will PT then rate the players if there are e.g. 5 players at the table, which is often the case at Pacific. If this is the case will it not tend to give me a misleading picture og the fullring game?

That is it for now and my first day with PT... phew

Apologizes for my spelling. English is not my prefered language.
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