The world of poker can be a little like a bubble, with us inside it and (at least within the poker portion of our lives) others on the outside looking in.
How has this affected you? Do you find you talk about poker to your non-playing friends, or routinely discuss your accomplishments within the game? Although most of my friends play to a tiny extent (and thus know it's not merely "gambling") I still only mention it in passing. I suspect they all I know I do pretty well out of the game; this has been my worst month since March yet i've still made more money (somewhere between $1500 and 2000) than most of the fellas I know who are my age and don't have "career" jobs will have made this month tending bars, working in call centres, driving vans etc. Still, it's not something I discuss too often. Less still with my family; I am particularly loathed to discuss my results with my mum who works hard (and well) as a fairly senior estate agent yet I routinely make more than she does (last month by several times) mucking around on the internet clicking 3 little buttons. How do people react to you when you tell them you're a serious (or in some cases, pro/semi-pro) player? Do you find there's still a stigma attached, or is there a little bit of kudos and mystique to it? I find I get to know people first before I bring the subject up (in fact, very rarely will I bring the subject up of my own volition), and you never quite know what to expect!
In the next couple of months, a major transition is occurring in my life; I'm buying my first property, and as I'm a little overstretched I'll probably need to break into my monthly poker winnings to survive with a good quality of life (and to put some money away for the future). I guess for the first real time I'm relying on poker as part of my income, rather than just money in the bank to throw at a car or a downpayment on a mortgage. I will in the truest sens be a semi-pro (or perhaps a pro poker player and semi-pro scientist would be more accurate
- hour for hour I make a lot more playing poker!).
In the UK, where I live, the TV poker boom has not taken off to the extent where people outside of the game are beginning to be more immersed. The success of TV poker about 5 years brought a lot of new players into the game (it was about when I started thinking seriously about it, too), but the average joe on the street is probably no more or less interested than before, despite the glut of new players getting a feel for the game. How do you consider your achievements in the game, and what do you think other people's view of you is? Personally, I'm more proud of my poker achievements in the last year or so than I am about just about anything else I've done in recent years (including completing a degree, getting a decent job, new house, new car etc) as it's something i've accomplished entirely on my own, with help only from those people i've sought out to provide it, and with resources i've created myself (knowledge, records, money) and a bit of help from some research
. Still though, when people ask me what I do with my life, poker is far from the first thing I mention
... Thoughts?