by Danhdan » Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:05 am
Went to Tahoe with alot of people I hadn't seen for a while...worked out that I didn't get to sit at the tables much, and when I did...ugly play by me all around. Lost $58 in an hour at poker plus another 115 at craps and blackjack(and I tell myself every time that I have to avoid those damn house games). Did get to ski on Sunday though, and the snow up there is amazing. It has rained about 24 days in a row here which in turn means tons of good snow in the mountains. First time up this year though...mostly because I stay up too late nights playing the limit games when I go here.
Completely out of shaped, I had to quit skiing early. The friend I was skiing with kept going and I just couldn't keep up...guess tomorrow I will go and get on the bike and get my lazy ass into shape. Hopefully, this will improve my poker game too, as I won't get tired playing these live games that I have been at.
Played Sunday and lost $129, Monday I won $100, and Tuesday I also made back $214, so I am pretty much even from that bad weekend.
Having a problem playing on the right tables. I did move Tuesday from a table, but only after it had rocked up to a point where no one was limping and pots were very tiny. It's hard to believe that happens sometimes at these low limits, but it does. My least favorite is when you have to start a new table with a bunch of players because there is a time in the beginning where everyone is feeling each other out, and pots are not joined in by alot of calling stations. So, when I moved tables, I got to one where there were a plentiful amount of CS's and aggressive PFR's who made those pots very big. Was down over $120 but bounced back to win $214, so I can't complain at all...and I think my image at that tables must have been crazy wild too, even though I folded more hands than anybody.
Two hands before this, I was in a hand with a straight and flush draw on the turn and I Checkraised it in the BB but missed and everyone checked down after me. I showed and was critizied by a pretty bad player on my play, and while he went into detail I told him to send me a copy of his book and I'd pay for the shipping. I like to bet my draws to the nuts and this one seemed very good because no one was really feeling strong. Anyway, OTB two hands later with TT, raised and 3-bet to me, I decided to cap it(4-bet). I was probably a little tilty at the moment, but a) I actually liked my hand against everyone except the guy to my right who was pretty tight, and b) if I didn't hit my hand, I could fold without a fight(guy next to me 3-bet and I was pretty positive he had QQ, KK, or AA in this spot, but everyone was coming in). We went to the flop eight handed and the flop came out a perfect T55 rainbow. The betting to me was raised, so I three bet the flop, and someone capped it. Turn was a 3, putting two clubs out there, and the guy to my right bet into me, and I raised, and was called by him and two other spots. River was a Jack, and I bet the hand after all checked and I still got called in three spots. Took down a monster guy just couldn't believe I didn't have Aces after the cap I made preflop(this guy was the worst out of all the calling stations at the table).
I hit another FH with pocket 4's against that same guy who criticized me, and the flop came AK4 2 diamonds...he had AK and I made him go broke that hand, all while getting two other callers on that board that paired up 33 turn and river. It always feels good busting the guy who is telling you how to play your hands. In all, the night ended pretty well, and I think I am getting to the point where I am learning how all the regulars all I have to do is to remember to take advantage of that when I can...and engage those who pay me off more.
Saw my nephew Monday...this kid is pretty huge for 7 months. Cute kid too. He's pretty much great to hang around, and I got to do that alot Monday. Spits up like a hose though...I have to remember to stop bouncing him after eating; my clothes always pay the price.
"Million dollar play, ten cent finish."
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
"Laugh and the world stares at you; cry, and the world stares at you."