I have a lot of bills to pay and several things I need/want to buy badly, unfortunately my bankroll is no longer $40,000 so I can't just buy them. Luckily I still make an assload when I can motivate myself to actually play a decent amount. We move into the apartment next weekend, at which point I plan on playing FOR certain things. I may do some of the boring ones now (student loan/rent so that way I will christen my apartment with a lot more fun). For instance I will write down on a piece of paper the things I would like to spend money on, I will then pick one out of the hat, and get to work. Play for 12 straight hours till I can afford it, and pat myself on the back. The following things will be entered into the contest:
Tivo Lifetime Subscription.
Rent (the bill, not movie/play, I'm playing NL now but I still ain't no KennyG, BAZING!)
30 inch Flat Panel monitor, pictured below:
Some Student Loan bill.
Blow and Hookers (I kid I kid)
A nice TV for my room (suggestions to be made in a soon coming Anything Goes thread).
Other: Suggestions welcome, think newly kid living without parents, with some extra money that wants his apartment to be sweet.
It should be noted that I plan on running exceptionally well in order to make enough for $2000+ gizmos and gadgets in single sessions.
Boy, you got me confused with a man who repeats himself.