Wow...just wow is all that I can say. Complaining about bad beats can get annoying, but this session was just absolutely ridiculous.
KK vs. AA, flop AK4, both all in when I had a $40 stack (he had me covered, only person at the table even close)
AA vs. KK, preflop all in
10-10, board 10-2-5, guy is all in with A-3...turn 4...another stack
Flopped nut flush, lose to runner runner boat...guy all in turn with 2 pair...ouch.
Sets again too. I can't ever seem to hit them, and the trend is continuing that when I manage to actually hit them, people are sucking out and hitting the miracles. I really hope this stops and I get on a normal run with them.
This was my first losing session in a while, but I guess i'm still up a few $ on the day *shrug* It was a session where I was ready to smash my monitor and everything surrounding me.
Also, my BB/100 dropped a good amount..down to around 8, which I'm not particularly happy with at this level. I believe that it should be above 10, and I'll have to do some work to get it back up there. I guess it's more of a psychological thing than anything seeing it drop a little bit... 8ptbb/100 is not terrible i suppose, but it's not where I want to be at and I will work to raise it.
Cleared a good amount of my bonus though, which I suppose is a good thing. Another 13% +$13
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