My friends talked me into going to an play poker tonight. I really wasnt totally in the mood but I didnt feel like sitting around and doing something usefull like homework so I agreed and went.
I started off in a pretty juicy no limit game 1/3 $300. I considered playing 2/5 $500 but I was still stinging a little bit from the big suckout yestrday so I decided against it. Couldnt make shit for cards for the first hour of play. Lots of money flying around but I pretty much folded 84o for a while.
Hand 1: I look down at QQ raise to $20, old man who has been really agressive reraises to $60. I have $300 and he has me covered, I decide to just call. I really didnt think he had a big pair but I thought that if I reraised I would be stuck in the pot, and the only hand that calls me that I possibly have beat is AK. Flop is AK4, guy does the holywood routine stares at the board, thinks for a minute and starts cutting off chips for a bet. I say "dont bother." and fold QQ face up. He insists that he was going to check, which is total crap, I wasnt calling a $5 bet unless a Q hits. He said he had AK, which I actually believe because he was honestly upset that I had folded.
Hand 2: I am in the blind with
. Flop is
. I lead out $15, who is a new player pushs all in for $52. I call and he turns over K5 and says I knew you had clubs. Yeah good call dumbshit, great read your still a 2:1 dog. Of course 18 outs is harder to hit than a 2 outter and I lose.
I decided to end the NL headache, I played a couple more hands but was getting impatient and started to worry that I was going to make a big mistake out of boredom. I went and player some 3/6 kill Omaha 8. The 3 guys that I came with were at the game. I played for abour 30 min without winning a hand.
Then something new, they were offering a $60 10 player STG. So I said WTF I need a change. The first sit anf go was great, it was a quick blind structure and the table was rock tight. I pretty much doubled up and was big stack by stealing blinds. I raise from Mp for the third staight hand, the rock in the BB shows me AJ and folds, I had raised with J2o. I was talking up a strom it was pretty funny. The table gets down to 5, I move all in from utg with AK and get called by the BB with 1010 and then hell froze over I won a race with AK. Final hand of the tourney, sb limps to me. I have 89 and check, top is 99Q, he checks I check. Turn is a 7. He moves all in with J7 i call. The blinds were really big at this point so I agreed to chop with the other stack. Made $140 in profit.
Decided to play another $60 STG, pretty much all the same players from the one before. First hand of the damn thing, I tell everyone I am going all in before I see my cards. I look down at AKd and push. MP calls with AJ. Flop is J10X brick brick and I;m out and all is set back to normal. The poker gods can sleep tonight knowing that I am back to losing tournaments with a 3:1 favorite.
I go back to omaha. The one hand I play in the time that I'm there is a ton of fun too. I limp in LP with AKQ10 DS. Flop is J103 rainbow. My buddy bets, 3 callers I just call. Turn is a Qs. making 2 spades. Checks to me I bet the nut, get the usual 0 folds. River is the card I know is coming
. I check one player bets, player 2 (my buddy Noahy) raises, I fold. One dumbass has a 7 high flush and bottom 2, Noahy has k9s.
I shouldnt have played poker tonight, I went into it not really wanting to play. Going in with the idea that you really dont want to be there is just stupid and I knew it. Totals -90 3.5 hrs.
Hand 2: