by bobby » Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:42 pm
My Neteller account hadn't kicked in yet, so my dear friend tranferred me some cash on Friday to get me started...Well kids, my foray into LIMIT lasted about 30 minutes (Micro at Stars)...Geez it was boring!! (Another obvious leak). Anyway, I found myself at the 5 buck NL SNG's shortly thereafter...
Game 1---Nothing...No cards, No draws hit, just card dead as can be...Oh well...
Game 2---Same as above...We were down to 5, but I was getting pretty short stacked and had about 600T left...I was UTG and finally found AA. I made the conscious decision to slow play (VERY rare for me), and maybe get a pot built to double or triple thru...I limped, got one caller, SB completes and BB raps. Flop is lovely---Q 8 2 rainbow. It goes check check, I BTP, LP calls both blinds fold. Turn is another off rag, I go all in, and LP position calls...River is a 2.....And what did my enemy call my all in with?? The mighty K-2 off........Next case...
Game 3---This one started off much better...I actually held some cards and was playing quite well. I was chip leader before too long and we were down to 4 handed...This next hand pretty much took care of me (in a good way)...I raise with A6 suited (MP)(pretty tight passive table), get called in one spot behind me by the short stack. Flop is an A, so I bet enough to put him all-in, and course he has A 8 off. In a move of poker mastery, I manage a giant suck out and catch a 6 on the turn, and pretty much cruise to victory after that. Fun to win...
Some overall comments on the SNG's at Stars--I realize it was only 3 games, but the play seems MUCH more tight passive than I remember from about 6 months ago...VERY few "all-in" style players...Obviously most players are trying to go in with better starting hands than I recall...There was this one situation that still has me scratching my head...It was game #3...3 of us left (I was chip leader)...I had raised with 10/10 UTG and got one caller. Flop was K J rag...I take a stab at it (2/3rds the pot) and get a caller. Well hell, I'm done here right? Turn is a rag, I check, and the guy bets 30 bucks into a ??500 or 600?? dollar pot...Ok, I call (nice price!! LOL)...River is another blank and I check again...He bets 30 AGAIN!! WTF??????? I call, I win, he mucks....Go figger that...He had 3 shots at the pot---He could have CR the flop, bet half the pot on the turn or river and I was GONE!!
Anyway, it feels good to be playing again, I think I was "on my game" pretty well overall...and I will be starting my new "limit whore" job very soon...