by Xaston » Mon May 29, 2006 10:54 pm
Tommorow Kayla and I are supposed to get lunch with our friend Chris. I dunno if that's gonna happen anymore. I'm gonna try to talk to her tommorow and be super straightforward and just be like ok "What do you want us to be, what don't you want us to be?" Hopefully we can stop beating around the bush/figure out what the change of attitude in the last 3 days is all about.
Either we're gonna find out it was really just a little blip in time where she was busy and just not talking to me much as a result, or something to that effect, and start a relationship; or she'll decide she's not ready or straight up isn't interested anymore and I'll say ok thank you, I will talk to you later. I'll either be happy and have things squared away and concrete, or furious and take it out on the $400 NL donks and be rich.
Happy and still a lazy pro or a really angry pro who actually puts in hours. I guess either way is better than this angry lazy pro thing I'm doing right now where I don't know whats up.
Edit: If anyone cares about my poker play, I'm up about $3400 in the last two days playing $400 NL, as I've started the take out my Kayla anger on $400 NL plan already. It should also be noted that I couldn't be any less happy despite being up $3,400 for the last two days.
Boy, you got me confused with a man who repeats himself.