$50 PLO on UB as usual. My stack: $80. I'm SB with [Qd][6h][2s]. It's an unraised pot with 7 callers, so I complete my blind.
Flop: [7s][4h].
This was a table full of chasing calling stations, so I figured that betting out here would leave me with 5 people in the hand. Therefore I attempted a checkraise. However, it got checked around.
Turn: .
Not the best card, but I'm still ahead most likely. I bet out the pot ($4.50). EP player (stack $60), who is not exceptionally tricky, raises to $12. One MP player with a $25 stack goes allin, and now it is back to you. What do you do?
My problem here is that I don't know whether EP has weak aces (in which case he would definitely have limped in) and has me drawing dead or whether he has a huge draw. If he had a small stack I'd push and let fate decide.
Am I right that this is a push or fold situation? If I call, then he can still reraise and I have the same problem. Moreover, if he calls, then I don't know what to do on the river, being out of position.
So I folded, figuring that there would be less risky opportunities. Turned out that MP had a set of 4s with the straight draw and that EP had both flush draws.
Any ideas?