Pokerstars $50 PLO.
Background: I've been folding for quite a while, not getting cards. I spent my time trying to guess the hands of my opponents, and the following hand (in which I did not play) made me gave up on that. I'll call the players P,Q,R and S.
Min raised pot (by P, UTG) with 3 callers. Flop is [Jc][Qc]. P bets $1.50 into a $4 pot. Q calls in MP, R raises the pot (LP). S is on the button and calls the raise, as do the two others. Turn is a . P bets $1.50 again, Q calls, R raises the pot. S and P call all in, and Q folds. River is a . P has QQxx for the boat, S has 89Tx for the lower straight and S has the bare nut flush.
To my hand: I have 4578 in the BB (stack $50). There is a minraise and a whole bunch of callers so I call. 8 see a flop of 369r. That means 14 outs to the nuts and another 6 to a possibly non-nut straight. How would you play this? Pot is $8. I decided to bet out to build the pot and weed out any hands with only high cards that might catch a higher straight. That resulted in 2 callers, the aforementioned P ($45), S($55). Turn is a [A] rainbow. Now what? I still got all my outs but I decided to check-call. P bets $5, S moves in, I call, P calls. River: Q didn't help me. Results: P wins pot with AAxx (top set), S has A6xx, two pair.
Better ways to play this? If I had a good read that they were on a weaker draw and could fold a hand I might have bet the pot on the turn, but I had no clue what they had and thought there was no folding equity. Or should I try and check-call the flop and play for a smaller pot to reduce the variance a bit?