by rocketballs » Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:38 pm
What a frustrating day. Played an hr session in the afternoon, and went up $136, no suckouts, and one $25 dollar mistake, when a short stack bet like 3 into a $28 pot, and I took the bait and pushed and he showed the nuts. Tonight, just finished a 2 hr session. It was horrid. Card dead for the first hr and a half. Then a few bad beats, AK not hitting at all, and I made a questionable all in call when I was playing heads up. I raise OTB/SB w/ KJ, guy calls, flop is Kxx, 2 diamonds, chk, I bet, he reraises me a little more than a min raise actually, I call, he then immediately goes all in on the turn, a non diamond lower card, betting $80 into a $40 pot. I use up all my time, and make the call, and he shows AA, and I don't improve. Looking back it definitely was a questionable call, but gosh it seemed like a big time bluff. That kind of set me off, then on another table I have QQ, and raise, BB, who is solid, reraises to $12. I call, flop is JJ10, he bets $15 into a $23, and it just seemed a little weak to me, so I push, and he calls w/ AA, and I don't improve. And after that I stopped. Down about $200 in that session, so down about $65 on the day. Finished the $100 monthly INterpoker bonus though. I'm running at 3 BB/100 so far at $100 NLSH over 12k hands. Its maddening!!!! Maybe I should move back down to the $50s. Less stress, and I was running at 8 BB/100.