Here's my NL total (I'm down $650 in donkaments and $830 in triple draw for the month).
Here's my $2/$4 NL totals.
Here's my $3/$6 and $5/$10 totals (just started taking shots)
The moral of the story is to not run bad when you take shots and move up in limits. It sucks and it makes it really hard to be confident and win money.
In other news, yesterday there was a gigantic storm with a ton of rain and thunder/lightning. Kelsea and I went to get some ingredients to make some homemade ice cream in my new ice cream maker. It wasn't too bad when we left. When we got back it was really crazy.
I got an umbrella out of my car and opened her door for her and escorted her to the apartment building. Then when we got upstairs I said "I kind of want to go out in the rain and have an epiphany." She immediatly said "I'll go play in the rain with you." To say the least, I was very impressed and really respect that (would love to go play in the rain just to have some fun and not really worry about getting your clothes wet or whatever the case may be).
We then went outside and splashed around in puddles for a while. I looked up to the sky for a while. Then I sat down and stared off and thought. It was deep and it was a lot of fun. Probably the highlight of my month so far. I ruined my sneakers, but we were supposed to go shopping to get me some jeans and a new cell phone today, so I figured I'd just pick up some new sneaks while we were out (I'm a baller I can ruin a pair of sneakers just to have some fun in the rain).
In other other news, Kayla has IMed me twice as of late. That's generally pretty uncharacteristic of her, even when we are on regular speaking terms, usually, as far as AIM is concerned, I am the one that starts the conversations. This latest time she IMed me to tell me that at dinner her family was talking about me. Apparently they miss me a great deal. She had lobster (my favorite food) at said dinner, and said it made her think of me. Over/Under on amount of time before she wants to hang out again and I cave in instantly? I'm setting the line at two months.