I just finished a really really absurd marathon session. It lasted about 4 hours (marathon for me). I managed to lose $1685, and I feel like I played really really great during it. I still got slaughtered. I got completely coolered several times. 2nd nut flush vs. nut flush and QQ vs. KK (multiple times!). Things of that nature. We all know what taking bad beats and being put in spots where you can't help but lose a ton is like, so I won't bother posting em.
I'll just say that my favorite was probably when I got it in with 67 vs. QQ on a 589 flop (not 3 suited or any of that nonsense), and managed to lose.
Here is a nice graph of the session.
Wow. That was rough. Shoulda quit at hand 950. I think people should complain about variance less.
I made a lot of nice plays. Some nice bluffs and stuff. Here is one call I made that is just completely obscene. It's weird, it made no sense, but something was just telling me I had him. Call it instincts, woman's intuition, or whatever. I just
felt like he was bluffing. I couldn't really put him on any hand either. It was really quite odd. I thought and thought, used all my time, then clicked the time bank. I then continued to think for another 35ish seconds. Then I called. Enjoy.
Boy, you got me confused with a man who repeats himself.