my game plan has gotten very strange in PLO due to the relativley short stacks and loose players at party. i generally play the 200 games and have generally stopped raising before the flop. i reraise if i can get a large percentage of my stack in, or have a hand i want to play heads up with a particular opponent but almost never raise. of all the reasons to raise an omaha hand the only reasons that seem to be worthwhile in these particular game are to increase the stakes on the flop, and to get more money in the pot with the best hand. hand values run very close in omaha though, and generally i feel no need to increase the stakes as so many players play so poorly it is not neccary to do so to get them to play for there stacks.
i find i dont really need the deception in these games as most players are too unobservant anyways. when i play higher, which i do fairly often, i have to mix it up a lot more.
anyways just curious what others think of almost never raising preflop in the lower limit PLO games(200 buy in with 1-2 blinds), and would be interested in hearing what their reasons are for more frequent raises.