Thanks for the kind words guys. Allstar, I may take you up on the hand review offer; I am going to get 20-30k hands and identify the leaks so I know what hands need review. I will also be posting a few hands in the NLHE forum.
An update on my September progress (through Sept. 5):
Hands: 6,237
Preflop aggression 16/6.5
Post flop aggression 2.79/1.67/1.36
6.42 ptbb/100
I have been working on increasing my turn aggression. Everything else seems ok. My project started on a 6 buy-in downswing, but I have since recovered. Over the last 4k hands, my ptbb/100 is 16.65. I had a major leak with AJs ATs type hands, which is now fixed.
I have started listening to music through a set of racing headphones while I play (reduces outside noise by 45 decibles). I had not realized how much distractions like the TV were affecting my concentration. Now, I can't even hear emmasmom run the VITAMIX 5000 when she is making smoothies for us