by Dumb Snowman » Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:07 pm
What sucks is hios hand range preflop is probably something like...
AA, KK, QQ, maybe JJ, AK, AQ.
On the flop it's probably more like
AA, QQ, AK, AQ, maybe a tiltish KK (see it a lot for some reason, reraise pf with kk, get it all in even with an A on board)
Now if we assume he doesn't have KK (pretty safe imo), that leaves him 4 hands.
AA crushes you anad you're basically dead.
QQ you have 2 outs.
AK has 3 outs to you.
AQ is a split.
Now the small lead looks either like he reraised with a weak hand is praying to god that that board missed you, or he's got a MONSTER and is hoping you hit hard.
Then you raise and he pushes. This kinda makes me think AK more than anything else really. AA or QQ might play along and hope you push the turn. AQ would possibly do the same.
So I would probably break it down like so:
AK 40%
AQ 15%
AA - QQ 45%
So with all the dead money, I think it's still a profitable push, but expect to be behind nearly half of the time.
Partake in my bollocks, bloody chav!