Dude!!! I finished 2nd in Stars $1 deep stack Thursday night into Friday afternoon.
Grats! Though either you have a huge amount of spare time or are quite quite mad..
How much you win?
Seriously, you are obviously good enough to play MTTof much higher buys from now on and you should do so (and if you have the time the sats to the big sunday night ones)
As for the original post, I lay it down too, but that's because I'm practising the patented 'Hard2tel Weak-Tight SuperSystem' at the mo' and tend to play in the $30-$50 MTT range anyway where this is a lay down for sure..in the $4 ones I could easily be convinced that calling is +EV (but it might be even better long term to train yourself in the $4 MTT's to play as you would in a $30 one - bad habits learnt in micro-donk world can be very expensive to unlearn later)
And I second CJ's earlier comments about personal attacks - enough guys - I'll just delete posts that contain them from now on and report the makers if I come across them..if you can't be civil* then you are not wanted here...
* not that I say 'civil' not 'classy' thus we have MVP (and besides he still has the negatives of those farmyard pctures..