For more accurate information on your Pocker Tracker stats, go to "More Details" on the Main Screen.... Paste here that more details windoe, and you will get much better analisys on your play, althought, as others said already, 2k sample is small, but we can give you better advice.
How to post it:
(Thx Tetsuo for this info.)
"Download "Irfanview", 'one of the most popular viewers worldwide". It's lightweight, has great functionality and I've been using it for years.
1) Focus on window to capture, press ALT+PrintScr
2) Open Irfanview and CTRL+V to paste your window image
4) Draw a box around confidential items and press CTRL+X to blank them out, repeat until acceptable for public consumption
5) CTRL+R to bring up the resize box. Set width at X pixels (an 'X' of 600-700 should be fine, the 'natural' forum width is 772, so try to keep it within that). Make sure the 'Preserve Aspect Ratio' checkbox is checked. Press OK.
6) Save image
7) Upload to photobucket"
Once in photobucket, just need to put here the link to the image. or even the image it self:
(img) link (img)