by MTPaid » Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:20 am
So I got a nice little booklet from the Taj last week with some comps and a free room because last time I was there playing poker, my friend ran up some comp with my card playing BJ. And right now I'm so fed up with online poker and I have no idea what the future holds that I really want to start playing live.
Here are the facts. I live about an hour and 20 minutes from AC, the nearest legitimate B&M card rooms. There are other games closer that I know about, but they're slightly fishy. So I gotta assume that going down there is going to cost me gas, food, and the occasional room when I play so long that I'm too exhausted to come home. So I figure $30 for gas each time, maybe $20 average for food figuring I may get some comp and sometimes not, add maybe $40 on average for maybe needing somewhere to sleep every 3 or 4x out. That's $90 and I guess you can add $10 for parking or whatever.
So figuring I'm going to have close to $100 in expenses on average each time out, what limits should I start at (Limit or NL) where I can expect to make at least some kind of profit after expenses, rake, tips and how much of a bankroll do I need to start?
Statler: I wonder if there really is life on other planets?
Waldorf: What do you care? You don't have a life on this planet.
"Muppets In Space"
The Blog:
"Full Tilt is rigged" - ED