by emmasdad » Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:27 am
OK, I got my losing day. No way around it. -$270. I have been running really good for a while, so I took a shot at PLO8 200 with a full stack. I have played PLO 200 and 400 before, the great majority of the time with a short stack. So I took a shot at PLO8 200. The game is far more aggressive than the 100s even. I found that people are really willing to get it all in a lot more often. Positional advantage, while important at the 50s and 100s, is absolutely critical in an aggressive game. I made a couple of mis-steps, got freerolled and lost, and called a large river bet with second nut low in a 3 way pot that I should have known better to have done, so -$370 at PLO8. I made $100 back at PLO8 50. I will wait a while before taking another shot at the 200s and just get comfortable against the few aggros at the 100s. Still way up for the last few weeks, but it seems a recurring theme at BTP that the first of the month should be a day off.