by NorthView » Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:07 pm
Here we go again...
Make sure you turn on the option to save the hand histories to your hard drive. From the lobby window of the poker client, click the Options menu and then select "Hand History" from the list.
In the Window that opens, clcik the "Archive Hand History" checkbox. Now, click on the "View Archive" button. On the window that opens, the title bar of the window will tell you what folder the hand history file is being stored in. You will need to know this so that you can tell Poker Tracker where to look, so make a note of this.
In Poker Tracker, select "Auto-Import Tribeca Tables Hand Histories" from the File Menu or click Tribeca icon on the toolbar. If this is the first time you have opened the window, you will be prompted that you need to tell Poker Tracker what folder the hand histories are being stored in. Click the "Hand History Folder Location" button and use the window to tell Poker Tracker where your hand histories are being stored.
Mon May 12, 2008 1:46 am
When I play a patient and relaxed game I win - that simple.
Mon May 12, 2008 10:55 pm
Seriously, fuck poker.
[21:03] NorthViewBTP: mac is a fellow mexican
[21:03] Mekosking: yup
[21:03] NorthViewBTP: you should support your bro
[21:03] Mekosking: therefore hes a fat worthless tsr obv