So what's the difference between us?
A comparative analysis of 2006 and 2007 Jaime Kaplan.
The year really flew by. It seems like just yesterday I was telling everyone I knew that my goal for the year was $120,000, with an amazing breath of confidence.
2006 was filled with false hopes and disappointments, with Kayla and with poker. I grew a lot as a player, and a decent amount as a person. It seemed like every time when things started going really well (most notably February and early November) and I thought I was really on the path to being a 6 figga nigga by the name of jigga, I would run/play bad and get knocked down a few notches.
At the beggining of 2006, I was living with my dad. Then I moved in with some friends (two of which who turned out f-ucking (literally and figureateively) assholes). I moved out of there with only about half the lease up and now live in Providence with Matt.
At the beginning of 2006 I was playing shorthanded limit hold em almost exclusively. Eventually I hit a big downswing, played bad (mostly using a style that worked well on Party, on sites like absolute without adjusting it), and found myself over four months into the year, and down money. This was pretty scary. Were my parents right? Could I really not make a living doing this? Did I need to get a real job?
In mid April I caved and finally switched to NL cash (a game I found inferior to limit). Essentially, right off the bat, I started smashing $2/$4 on Stars and Party. Since then I have made significantly more at that game than my total net profit for the year.
I fell remarkably short of my goal. I attribute this to a few things.
- Not putting in enough hours.
- Wasting 4 months playing min bet hold em (and much of it poorly). 33% of the year and 0% of the year's profit.
- As much as Hard2tel claims I'm a completely dreadful tournament player, I'm pretty sure that aside from a short blip of success in February, that I ran utterly horrible in tournaments.
2006 LHE:
2006 NLHE (without $10,000 in Bodog $10/$20 winnings shown):
2006 Online MTTs:
2006 Turning Stone:
I also played a little triple draw and omaha/8. A respectable number of SnGs as well. All for negligible profit/loss.
2006 Total:
I've made out a list of 2007 goals and new years resolutions. Some of them are quite large, and some are quite small. I will include a small sentence or two about how I plan on accomplishing each.
Goals and Resolutions:
I would like to profit $250,000 (or more) from poker.
This is more than twice my 2006 goal, which I did not even reach half of. Sounds pretty ambitious to me. However, my $2/$4 NL winrate is $218.19/hr, over a sample size of 330 hours. That means if I merely put in 22 hours a week next year, and can manage to simply breakeven in tournaments, I will reach my goal. I'm going to aim for 30 hours of 9-tabling a week. The only tournaments I plan on playing are the Sunday Million, and a few live tourneys (which I plan on satelliteing or FPPing my way into).
I would like to sever my ties with Kayla.
Kayla and I have been close friends for a little over three years now. However, the entire time I have wanted to be more than just good friends. She has had similar feelings at varying points in our relationship, but nothing has ever really stuck. I would give a relationship with her a shot if she wanted, but I don't want to continue our pseudo-relationship. Hanging out with her is sort of a tease. Often times we would hang out several times in quick succession and things would appear to be turning into something more, but it always fizzled out. It's sort of like an emotional rollercoaster, and I think I'm ready to get off the ride.
I would like to do some reading about investing, and also invest some money.
Nothing happend in 2006 about this, and it's pretty self explanatory, so no discussion neccesary now.
I would like to start watching SportsCenter almost every day.
I have always loved sports but often find myself quite distanced from the current going-ons in the leagues. This will also tie in with one of my other goals.
I would like to become the big red sox fan I pretend to be.
Some years I follow them very closely, and some years I just find myself too busy, somehow, to follow them. I would like this year to be an on year.
I would like to treat myself to sushi and a movie once a week.
I really enjoy going out to see movies, but I never do it enough. I have all the freetime in the world, and enough money that it won't matter if I go regularly. I get sushi all the time when my friends are home, but virtually never during the school year. That needs to change.
I would like to gain 15-20 pounds.
In my late sophomore to early senior year of high school I was quite physically fit. I felt really good about myself (I still do, but in other regards). It's also not healthy to be unhealthy (O RLY!?).
I would like to learn to play the piano, a little bit.
I asked for a good keyboard for Hannukah and got it. Now I just need to learn to play it.
I would like to enter the WSOP ME and one WPT or EPT event as well.
I'm gonna turn 21 this year.
I would like to watch The Daily Show on a regular basis
I enjoy laughing a great deal. This show makes me laugh pretty regularly (although as evidenced by this goal, I haven't watched it much at all as of late). I also have virtually no idea what's going on in the world these days, and this will help me catch-up. I also like The Today Show for news, but that's entirely too long and too early for me to actually watch.
I would like to win $10,000 betting sports
Poker may or may not dry up some day. I don't want to have to work a job. Working on becoming a proficient sports-bettor would give me a possible source of income should it become harder to make 6 figures a year at poker. I always enjoy betting on a game and watching it, and it wouldn't hurt to make sure I'm coming out a little ahead.
Here's to a good 2006, and a great 2007. Good luck to me and to all of you in the coming year.
Boy, you got me confused with a man who repeats himself.