by Rhound50 » Sat Apr 30, 2005 4:10 am
Welcome Max, I think Tetsuo and Ice deserve most of the credit for BTP being such a well run and Bs free site. I'm a college student too, arent kids pissing away daddy's money great. I play a home game that the same 5 people are the only ones that are ever left at the end of the night with chips, and yet the 10 others that play pretty consistanly still love to buy in. I can sit down at these games and tell the the five players that started that wont have any chips left in 3 hrs. Anyways welcome to the site.
"Its a pink handbag not backpack damn it." Godlikeroy
"From playing full tilt I wanna smash every garden gnome I see. That travelocity commercial puts me on instant tilt."