Another good 27TD session, this one was +96 in 3.5 hours (damn I really wanted my first 3 digit session). Lets do a little math.
- At the 2/4 game I think 5BB/100 is doable.
- Since it is shorthanded 75 hands per hour is realistic.
- That is 20 $ / 100 which at 75 hands and hour is $15 / table hour
- When I get better I think that 3 tabling is reasonable so I could see pulling $45 / hr out of this game, without too much of a problem.
A few caveats
- I don't think that I am currently good enough for 5 BB / 100, I would guess I am currently running at 3-4.
- There aren't enough games running to 3 table 2/4. I know that some game run at FT. I am going to check them out when I am back home and have a 16x12 screen so I don't have to worry about resizing.
- I am not currently good enough to 3 table, 2 is my max. However, during each session the decision become more automatic and I find myself with more and more "free" time. Playin 3 tables would cut down on my reads so it would hurt my BB / 100 but I think it would increase my overall hourly wage.
Man I wish more people would pick up this game so there were more tables running.
A few places I think I need to improve
- I am playing too aggressively. I keep seeing bad players and try to isolate them with every hand. 246 is not a great raising hand even IP.
- I am still not sure how to play the river, esp when I have a weak pat hand. It seems like I bleed chips by making the value calls because so few players bluff the river but my odds are so good that I don't have to catch them very often. I need to take more notes on my opponent so I know how the play the river.
My favorite plays so far:
- CR when hitting on the second draw
- Value betting when hitting on the river with bad 8s and even good 9s
- Foiling peoples CRs. They are sooooo easy to sniff out that it makes me laugh. I raise with 237 and get called by someone OOP who draws one. I improve to a smooth 7 draw so I bet and get flat called. The moron boy stands pat and checks to me. How often does he really expect me to bet there?
- Checking behind on the river with weak hand that I made on an earlier street. I make a good 9 on the second draw, and my opponent drew one so I bet. I stand pat on 3 and he draws one and checks to me, I check behind and he shows 23457, nice CR buddy (see above bullet).
- Betting the 2nd to draw to know if I need to break. IP I love betting the turn with a weak made hand with a redraw. If they are drawing it is a good value bet and may give me a free river. If they hit they will CR and I will know to break. This is esp fun when I hit after breaking because I generally get at least 2 bets and make someone tilt.
I would say that the 2-7TD experiment was extremely successful. I am having a ton of fun, I am enjoying the challenge of a new game, and I have discovered that in some ways I like playing limit *gasp*. We will see how I feel when I get home and play some PLO8. I realized that I really didn't enjoying playing the last little bit before vacation so If when I get back I am still not enjoying PLO8 I may try to make a run to 5/10 or even high at this game. Also I may go back and playing some more HE.
Overall numbers:
Session: 11
Winning Sessions: 10 (all but the first one)
Total Winnings: +388
Total Hours: 20.5
Total Hours: $18/hr (LOL, I think this is higher then my career PLO8 numbers
Winrate since I move to 2/4: $28.4/hr
Approx hands: 2500
Approx BB/100: 4.5ish (hmmm a little higher then I expected).
I guess this is what they mean by "grinding it out playing limit"
Rhound - I got 2 outted in a $2000 pot last year, I have also broke a cup in half playing catcher. The feelings were similar.