by TightWad » Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:49 pm
Continuing to grind out the SNGs, and I've moved up to 4-tabling. I'm sure this will decrease my ROI, but I think that the loss is somewhat mitigated by the fact that I'm less prone to distraction when dealing with 4 tables. In other words, I'm not as tempted to web-surf during the early rounds, or make reckless moves out of impatience. Still, things get quite hectic when all 4 tables are down to shorthanded, and especially if one of them is heads up. I guess I'll get better at dealing with that, though.
Stats so far : I've played 66 $10 SNGs, and collected 11 firsts, 8 seconds, and 9 thirds. My ITM 42% and my ROI is 20%...a lot of that has to do with a pretty nice run I've been on lately. My roll is up to $663, and the current plan is to move up to $20's when I hit $800. I'd like to hit that by March, we'll see.
I'm considering adding some cash games to my regimen, but I'm not considering it very hard. I'm not very good at NL cash.