by Rhound50 » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:59 am
It doesn't seem that I am going to be able to put big days together. I played more 6 max PLO and was up 2.5 buy ins than two awful suckouts. After all the fun I ended down $20.
I didnt think there was anyway in hell I was going to win this but villian was a maniac and I had most of the stack in preflop. Turns out I'm all in with a pretty big lead
Same maniac from the first hand
Them suckout #1 and #2, I guess after how hot I ran yesterday a couple of these were due. Umm please pair the damn board.
"Its a pink handbag not backpack damn it." Godlikeroy
"From playing full tilt I wanna smash every garden gnome I see. That travelocity commercial puts me on instant tilt."