I have decided it is time for me to start up a journal, I understand that probably no one will read it but hey it might be good for me to get out of the massive funk that I have been in.
Background info
I am a 24 year old student working towards a teaching gig, either at a junior collegiate level or at a high school. I have played poker for about 6 years now. I started with 25 bucks on Pokerroom (which a devout Christian dude showed me - he never played for real money? very strange) Never have had to redeposit like many people. I got real lucky and ran that up to about a grand in a couple of months.
Have been playing a little bit here and there for quite a while, life tends to get in the way. I have made some decent change when I have put my mind to playing a lot. Got up to playing 3-6 NL and a little bit of 4-8 NL, but wasn't really good enough to overcome my initial losing shock.
I was a lurker here for freaking ever, wish I had started posting a long time ago.
Like the post suggests I want to make 100,000 in the next year. This might not be feasible but man it would be fun. I would also like to get up to my bros level at tourney play and win a few. I just took out nearly all of my bankroll which was around 10K (I got a little nervous with some of the sites acting a little wishy-washy). So my bankroll is a bit diminished as of now.
Current Bankroll
Full Tilt - 10.02
Pokerstars - 74.09
Poker Time - 252.17
Eurolinx- 530.06
Total 866.34
Plan of attack
OBV I need to win a poker hand or 10,000 before I get ahead of myself. I had a losing January and February. So to begin with I am going to focus on NL10 for the first two weeks of this fiasco. I plan on playing on PS for the time being as I completely despise the Microgaming software right now.
I will play any and all games to increase the bankroll, suggestions of what to play are greatly encouraged. The softer the betterI plan on playing some MTT's at FT and PS and I think I play a pretty decent PL08 game. I want to get into the Sunday Million every week but the bankroll is a bit tricky right now.
First session of the attempt
10 NL 6-max
15 min.
53 hands
BB/100 25