New entry. Checking behind with a made hand on the flop.
In one of the posts I promised to k3nt to elaborate on checking behind with a good made hand on a draw heavy flop.
I’ll consider only one case, i.e. we have overpair to a flop, and I’ll try to give my reasoning with some EV calculations against my opponent ranges. Opponent is assumed to be a thinking one, i.e. he is not going to call down with a draw and bet when hits. We also assume that our opponent is unlikely to stack-off easily with one pair.
As an example of how opponent would play a hand from the last session. (Opponent is not me, he is one of the regular TAGs.)
I raise
OTB, SB calls.
SB checks, I CB, SB CR big, I push he calls with
I will give several scenarios (imaginary hands) and try to outline the logics. I won’t specify the preflop action, assuming it is once raised pot. In reraised pots hand ranges change a lot and it could become correct betting when I would chose to check in a single raised pot. For simplicity I’ll also assume that we are against SB.
Hand1. Extremely draw heavy flop, no redraws.
Our hand
SB checks, we check.
I think it’s obvious that we don’t want a lot of money going in here, if SB has
we are behind. And there is lots of other possible hands that connect well to this flop, straights, flushes, etc.
If we bet here we hope for a fold and will have to fold to any significant action. The hands that are behind like
, and from which we hope to get a bet would call at best and may be even fold, figuring that they are either behind or not so far ahead.
Summarizing: No worse hand is going to call our bet (big draw is a better hand), and opponent is very unlikely to fold a better hand. (A possibility of drawing dead is no fun too.)
Turn: heart, 4, 8
These are all bad cards, and I would just give up.
(3 and 9 are also bad, but I would put them between cases A and B)
B) all other cards I would consider a blank.
SB leads, we raise
SB checks, we bet.
We are going to check behind on the river.
If you take the same range, i.e. made hands + draws for SB, now we are ahead of his range (marginally behind), because all his draws have significantly deteriorated. 15 outs draw on flop from a favorite on the flop become a 34% dog.
Hand2. Board with draws, no redraws.
Our hand
SB checks, we bet
On this board bet is better than a check. Now opponent could call with lots of worse hands, AK, KQ, 88-QQ. It’s less likely that he has a made hand that beats us (these are mostly sets, while in hand1 it is also lots of 2 pairs, straights and flushes.) And it is also less likely that he has a very big draw.
Hand3. Draw heavy board with redraws.
A) Nut redraw.
Our hand
SB checks, we bet.
Now if we are behind we have nut redraw and possibility of having the best hand + possibility of drawing on out opponent if we are behind makes it closer to a bet.
Though I could see a check here too, it would depend on the quality of opposition and their tendencies. (Here we need to reclassify the better opponents
). Even against the same opponent the better way to play it could depend on the dynamics of the game.
B) Non nut redraw.
Our hand
SB checks, we ?
Obviously we are in a better situation than in hand1, as we have some good redraws, and it’s unlikely that we are drawing dead. It’s also worse than situation in hand2, when we had an obvious bet, as there is a lot of very strong possible draws. (Lots of combo draws, like pair + flush, pair + straight.) The situation is a bit worse than in hand3A), as our redraw is not a nut one, and we really don’t like to see KQ here.
Though having thought about it, if we take a range for our opponent of combo-draws and made hands, a bet could be a good play, but if we get CR we will have to push. We will be small favorites against 2pairs, ok against sets and 87, and big favorites against pair + draw type of hand.
Honestly, here I am not 100% sure which play is best. The more broad our opponent range, i.e. the more there is pair+draw hands, which he choose to play fast the better bet is. The more nitty our opponent, i.e. the more made hands are in his range the better would be a check.
I hope it’s clear what we want to accomplish checking with made hands on draw heavy flop (Hand1 is an extreme case). There are some cases when we obviously want to bet and charge draws (Hand2). And there is lots of situation in between when we need to take other factors into account to decide which play (bet/check) is better.