by Schuster » Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:03 am
Played a while today and got a regular completely on tilt. AK vs AT on AAKTx river and it's pretty easy to stack her. So she gets kinda pissed, then managed to call my 1700 bet into a pot of 1100 on the river. I had KQ on a board of AAJTx. She had queens. I did raise the flop which was AJx and she called, so I guess she's almost right, but still an awful river call. Anyway, this obviously set her completely off. Twice she open shoved 2k to win the blinds. Then shoved a full stack into pots of about 100 to win them. Obviously I cannot wait to capitalize. Well, capitalize I did, kinda.
She opens for 80 in MP, button calls, I make it 340 in the small blind with QQ. Both call. Pot is over 1k, flop is T-7-6 rainbow. Tiltbox has 1700, button has 1000 left. I just shove, tiltbox calls with 99. Nice. Oh wait, button has TT. And then of course, 9 hits the turn. Tite.
I didn't pick up anything for the next half an hour or so, and she had pretty much cooled down, so I quit. Up about 6500 on the day, all in all, not bad.
The most interesting hand I played today that I can remember... I open for 70 with AQ clubs, button calls, BB calls. Flop is Q95 with 2 clubs. BB is horrible, button is too, but in a weird way. She'll call down with random goofy stuff a lot, she'll shove with goofy stuff. I really don't know what her deal is except that whenever she tries to make a move, it usually doesn't make sense so it's easy to see through. Anyway, I lead 180, button calls, BB folds. Turn is an offsuit 8, I bet 450 and she shoves. I have 1700 left and she covers. My first instinct was to fold cause the 8 is a pretty horrible card in that both JT and 76 got there, but then something crept into my mind that she might be shoving QJ or QT cause she picked up the gutter. Also if she has 98 or something I'm way priced in. Anyway I called just as my time was running out and she had Q5 (LOL) and I missed. Oh well.
On the non poker side, the weekend was reasonably interesting. Andy and I were gonna go out on St. Patty's Day, but then everyone else just kinda bummed out, so we ended up playing pool, darts, and poker all night and getting completely shit faced. As the night was wearing down, we were playing 9 ball at $500 a rack. I tend to play pretty well when I'm wasted and I'm better than him to begin with, but he was just on a huge heater in the poker games so we ended up breaking pretty much even for the night between everything. I think I was probably +1300 from various pool games and -1200 from darts and poker. I finally got to bed at 9am and didn't wake the following evening until 1am. That's how I roll.