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How to maximize this?

Postby GooperMC » Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:34 pm

I pick up QQ27 rainbow in the BB, 4 limpers to me I check.

Flop is [Qs] [Js] [4c]. SB checks, I pot, folds to SB who calls.

Turn [Jd]. SB checks, I pot, SB re-pots, I call.

River [8c]. SB checks, I bet 3/4 pot.

SB was looseish and passiveish, but hasn't gotten totally out of line yet.

Rhound - I got 2 outted in a $2000 pot last year, I have also broke a cup in half playing catcher. The feelings were similar.
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Postby bassline » Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:45 pm

I Push the turn and hope villain is still drawing and willing to call.
IF he has a strong made hand the money is going in eventually now or on the river but if he has some sort of drawing hand he is probably) going to fold (or might be tempted to bluff call you lol) the river if he misses.
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Postby Aisthesis » Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:32 pm

I like the call on the turn myself. On the river I might go as low as 1/3 pot. If he checks, he doesn't have JJ, so you're really just looking for whatever he's most likely to call.

On the turn, I'd also pretty much always half-pot it. There's no longer any draw to protect against, so it's just a guessing game among various fulls and quads. The real justification of the half-pot, though, is in your ability to bluff a paired board when you're betting a draw.

Like in this case, but you have AKQT with spades. You can then half-pot the turn when the board pairs, the bluff costs you very little, and it almost always works if you consistently do the same thing on QQ.
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