by pokerzen » Wed May 02, 2007 10:15 am
Good luck in May man.
$38,433.88 ytd. Just as a reference point ... if that money were converted into CD funds, and considering the tax-free status of gambling winnings for us ... that amount is roughly the equivalent (I think perhaps even greater than) to the average annual household income for Canadians. (Including 2 income families.)
Xaston, you have beaten Canada. I for one look forward to serving our new American overlords.
<Big_Leon> start with the RAZZ tourney?
<pokerzen1> when did the razz tourney start?
<Big_Leon> starts in 2 minutes
<Big_Leon> just drew seats
<pokerzen1> too late then
<pokerzen1> damn damn damn
<Big_Leon> no, it's not too late gogogogogo
<pokerzen1> what's the tourney number?
<Big_Leon> 55852225
<Big_Leon> password is - irunbad i think
<Big_Leon> irunbad
<pokerzen1> made it
<pokerzen1> okay now how do you play razz?
<Big_Leon> i have no idea