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I've recently thought that discussion of separate hands doesn't give much for improving and understanding of the game. We spend time thinking about whether to call or to fold in a particular hand, but if the decision is close we wouldn't lose or gain much in EV taking either action.
A more interesting point is the 'image' which comprises the hands that we play in different positions, the frequency with which we make CB, etc. IMO that's what differentiates best players from the average ones.
That was a brief intoduction.
I would like to try to start a discussion concernging the hand ranges, trying to find the best strategy in some particular situations.
Assume that UTG TAG raises to 4BB, we are OTB.
Suppose we know his PF range: (that's the range of BigJim from 2+2, see a discussion on preflop ranges)
{22+, A7s+, KTs+, QJs, JTs, T9s, AQo, AJo, KQo}
78 pairs, 52 suited, 48 offsuit broaway. (178)
I want to go through several situations, trying to find the best +EV play against this range. We'll start with preflop.
What are the most +EV calling and reraising ranges?
That depends is not an answer
. If you are unsure about his postflop play, make some reasonable assumptions, i.e. he CB quite often 60%+, etc.
It seems quite evident to me that a call with the same range will be +EV, as we have the value of position. I also think that we even can add some weaker hands which would still be +EV, assuming that we play well postflop and can apply pressure with our draws. Each weak hands that is marginally +EV will add value to our whole range, i.e. our stronger hands will also gain EV by broadening our range. I am not sure, though, which would be the worst hand that would still be +EV to add to our calling range. BTW I am more inclined to add suited middle gapers, rather than offsuit big cards like QJo.
BTW, some authors do not agree about calling with the same range. See 'gap concept' notion. They suggest calling with a stronger (smaller) range.
Our reraising range is less evident. Here we need to think about our whole gameplan. If we reraise with our strong hands we will weaken our calling range and give away a lot of info, would it be compensated by the EV we gain in reraised pots?
Ok, that's the problem and some of my thoughts. I hope for some input. May be I would repost in NL section if appropriate.
P.S. I plan to continue this UTG vs Button discussion. Choosing some typical flops (turns) and deciding what would be the best action with our calling/reraising range vs his range.