by WayToGo » Wed May 23, 2007 6:13 am
If you always move down when you've 15 buyins for the level below, and move down again if you reach 15 buyins for the next lowest level you will never go busto, given that you're a winning player ofcourse.
Lets say you're a 200NL pro with a starting BR of 4k.. you drop 12,5 buyin and you move down to 100NL (with 1500) you drop 7,5 buyin and you drop down to 50NL
And since you can still make 25$/ hour+ at 25NL and anyone has 500$ or can borrow such amount, i for one thinks BR requirements are pretty useless in the amount of buyins sense of the word. There is no point to have 60k in your FTP cashier if you're playing 5/10. For god sake plz invest it.
I know i'm forgetting about inrregullar expenses (car breakdown) and the high roller life you might have grown accustomed to. And the statistic theory that you should be able to drop down infinitely (which we can't, since 1 we won't go below 25NL, 2 flipping burgers might make you more at some point) to never go busto.
One of the reason i play poker (not saying you should) is because you can get profit rates that are impossible in any other business. (100-200% a month)
EDIT: not sure what i'm tryign to say but their is really no speciifc answer to this, i like kennyg's email he onces send around with an article concerning all this stuff, anyone has it still??
Taking shots, one at a time.