June 9th
A few interesting hands:
AQ sexiness
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
I have a little past on this guy. He's loose and generally straight-forward, but folds to re-raises easily (OMG monster) if he doesn't have the goods. I've also been raising after his limps often (usually with a decent hand, but occasionally with 9-high on the BTN after he open-limps), so I think he's getting tired of me.
I doubt he has a 9, 33, or any big pair (he raises the usual AQ+ JJ+), so he'll fold to my 3-bet shove like every time. Even those few times he doesn't, I still can have clean overcards.
JJ versus the tighty
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
I don't have many hands on this guy. He seems pretty tight and straight-forward, so I elected to call for set value, or to see if he gives away his hand on one of the streets.
I should have bet more on the turn. Doesn't matter, lost my set to flush. Ah well, reload. I was hoping his flop call was with a monster pair hoping to raise me on the turn, then the turn scared him so he only called. Of course there was a possibility he only called flop with a draw (which he did), but meh... whatever. I don't think I could get away from this one on Cake.
I turn a set w/TT and stack a shorty
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
Sometimes I raise this pre-flop, sometimes I don't. Whatever I feel like at the time. With the weakness shown, I bet that flop very often, and hell with Cakers, I could still be ahead even if they call.
Sexiness with 82s.
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
I only called the turn with intent on betting any river card. I figured him for a weak hand or draw and figured I can get him to fold on river like 80% of time. So much for nut-peddling... worked out though.
AKs versus donkey
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
I had no reads on the guy yet. I wasn't sure if I should raise the river or not. His call on that flop should have indicated some strength considering I bet enough to put the shorty all-in. Now I know donkey likely doesn't think much when it comes to poker. Meh, I should have definitely raised the river - I would get calls from worse 2-prs all the time.
22 sexiness
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
No way I'm folding that weak ass flop bet. I intended on raising GotLuk if he bet the river figuring he'd fold like 95% of the time, and PFR has shown so much weakness he'll fold like 90%.
And a few "
LOL Cakers" hands for laughs:
lol 97o calls 3-bet
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
lol KQs min-re-raises and...
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
lol AA slowplay
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d
lol AA slowplay with Laura adding "cant slowplay" at the end of the hand (GJ not slowplaying)
http://cakepoker.com/HandHistory/?Hand= ... zMDHwsM%3d