by Xaston » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:22 pm
After this trip I think I seriously might take a semi-extended break from poker.
I was trying to watch Seinfeld but for some reason I let Hard2tel talk me into playing in the $550 Satellite to the $2500 Heartland Poker Tour main event. But first Hard2tel and I played a $200 HU match against each other.
I got it all in with JJ vs. his 99. I flopped a set of 9s. He turned a flush.
I'm not gonna bore you with the details of the whole satellite, but suffice is to say it ended up with me HU against easily the worst player at the table. Then I got it all in pre-flop with A9o vs. A4o. Board came A42Q, I now picked up the nut flush draw to resuck, but it was not to be.
I am really at the end of my wits (is that the expression?). My tournament game has really progressed a lot and I continue to get my money in great and completely outplay my opponents in tournaments, and time and time again I fail to win coinflips or have my 2/3/4-1 favorites hold up. It doesn't help that I'm on a big losing streak in cash right now too.
Boy, you got me confused with a man who repeats himself.