by MecosKing » Thu May 26, 2005 12:41 pm
Hey Big LEon--
Leme first say welcome to the board! GOod to have another limit holdem player. Lots of NL here, a game which, because of my fear and ignorance of it, i hate and despise.
Anyway, I dont have a problem with your fold on this hand. In a 3 handed pot (4 handed PF) , with 2 cold callers and the BB, with the BB CRing the field, its pretty darn likely that your kings are beat.
It is very unlikely that the BB is CRing the field with a draw like a 67, because first off, with three people in, hes not getting value to do so, and secondly, hes out of position, so the play is not as likely to but him a card. Lastly, you raised PF, so the default hand to put you on is a big ace, which means that he has to worry about a 3 bet, which might very well chase out the third guy, which would mean he's DEFINITELY not getting any value out of a raise.
So IMHO, i dont think you can put an out of position guy checkraiseing the field on a draw, except in the unlikely event that hes got something like an open-ended/flush draw, in which case he's got odds to put as much money in on the flop as he basically can. In fact its unlikely that he even has a weak ace, because a weak ace usually check/calls here, or leads out to see where hes at-- id have in on a strong ace or better-- you gotta respect the field CR.
The only thing different that i wouldve done in the hand is that i wouldve called that one bet.
1st, your getting 14:1 to hit that king. Now the king is only going to come once in 22 or so, but assuming one of your opponents has a decent hand, youve got some implied odds there, etc. etc.
Still, your not getting odds to call there, but also i think it looks too weak tight to fold outright...WHen i see someone that bet/folds on the flop, i tend to think they are a weak player, and i am alot more likely to try and pushem around, and alot less likely to give them action when they DO come to life. Doing this is very bad for image, IMHO...Lastly, its always possible that he was messing around with some sort of draw, or shitty pair, and will check the turn, or even that he has a big hand and is going for a turn CR, in which case youll get another chance to catch your K.
IN any case, i think the laydown was totally fine...the fact that id have made the -EV move of peeling on off is pretty much a matter of taste / opinion, since with everything factored in, it very well might be more of a sideways EV move. I like to have a loose image though...
NorthViewBTP: poor old ED
NorthViewBTP: from gun totin beer swiller
NorthViewBTP: to limp wristed defender of fagdom
Mekos King: NV ignoring
Jimmy BTP: he's ignoring me too
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Jimmy BTP: running shite everywhere
neelguru: I gave up politics when I was 6
neelguru: Im dedicating the rest of my life to getting unstuck