WARNING: Running bad rant! For those offended by me complaining, you need not read this. if you're gonna say shit like "But you're still up $35k for the year, that's pretty good!" etc. plz save your time and proverbial internet breath.
Jesus fucking christ this losing streak blows. For the last like week and a half whenever I've had a good session or two in a row to try and dig myself out of this fucking hole, I have a terrible session/day right afterwards to fall right back down to the -$18k pit.
Here was today's session:
Sweet won$@SD!
My two favorite coolers were:
33 vs. JJ on a J93 flop
AA vs. 55 on an A55 flop
Here is the last week and a half or so of me trying to get out of the ditch:
Hopefully I start running somewhere close to decent before July because
A) It's gonna be really hard (read as: impossible) to put in 100,000 hands running that bad without killing myself.
B) It'll be really expensive (read as: leave me completely busto) to play 100,000 hands with a won$@SD below 40.
Boy, you got me confused with a man who repeats himself.