I think I may have found the reason for my break-even run. Well, hopefully I have, anyway.
I've been playing from around 9pm-midnight UK time on 'Stars, which is 2-5pm USA time (depending on TZ, obviously).
I think combined with the Christmas tightening up (which to my mind is irrefutable - I've never seen 'Stars so tight since I've been there, and it was tight to start with) there is no surprise I'm only breaking even. I would be winning, but one major slip-up in a session takes so long to recover from in this 'siege terrain'.
So I tried staying up until 3am UK time yesterday (8pm US time) and things were a whole lot different.
Before midnight, I have found
* no talking at tables, indicates 'serious' players
* plethora of known nut peddlers (honestly, I have trouble finding a table where a 'known' TAG isn't present)
* virtually no all-ins
After midnight, I have found (to my great relief)
* tables quite chatty, indicates 'pleasure' players
* virtually no nut peddlers but instead gamblers
* people going all-in on TOTAL bluffs, longshot draws etc.
* people APOLOGIZING to each other for winning hands (e.g. cracking AA)
It's just a lot more fun. I'm seriously considering going to sleep for a few hours when I get home on some nights so I can play until early morning without incurring a sleep deficit.