by Pok 7's » Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:42 am
Curious, I'm looking to move a little beyond just being a LHE "specialist" (not that I'm spectacular to begin with but). It's basically been about the only game I've focused on for a few years. I'm looking to get into some big bet poker games a little more, I've played a bit of PLO and started out great, but kind of hit the wall, not sure if I ran hot and hit a bad stretch, was playing good and hit a bad stretch, I might just suck at the game period, etc. I still think it can be a more profitable game than NL, I just can't seem to figure out how ATM.
So this got me thinking about playing some NL, anyone here recently make the switch, or playing a lot more NL than LHE? I'm planning on playing 6 max as that's what dosen't seem to be as much of a nut peddling arena and SH LHE is what I've played almsot exclusively for the last year+.
So anyone have any comments about the transition, good, bad, etc. I remember Phyto made the switch and couldn't believe he mentioned he didn't know why he waited so long. So anyone have comments on pros/cons, successes, disapointments, trip reports, etc.