Running Goot.....
I have an abysmal amount of hours this month because I couldn't play for a little under two weeks. It's really a shame too because I'm running Twelver hot and I'm playing some great poker.
I'm still a little sick but pretty much recovered. For some reason at night my temperature keeps going back to 100 and I have very little energy or strength. I'm hoping it's just a rest/food issue. I'll give it a week and see what happens.
I've had some pretty hands as of late:
i had 22 this hand and decided one of the two of them had me oversetted or had the straight. So I folded the set. ... wcLCxMA%3d
Heres one I don't have the hand history for:
My first hand of a new session. One limper to me. I raise to $12 from the BB. He calls. I have
FLOP $24
I bet $18. He calls quickly.
Check, Check.
I check. He insta pushes his last $75. I think for a while and finally call. He has
[9h]. He called me on the flop with no pair or draw. He hit a draw on the turn then checked when he should have bet.
According to pokercharts:
Streak: $4776.66 W7 - I am on a 7 session winning streak for a total of $4776.66.
Earnings: $8505
Hours: 63h28m
Sessions 20
Like I said, running Twelver hot!