by Pok 7's » Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:30 am
Tight aggressive players who defend like that and then check the flop make me suspicious. I think a lot of times it means they've hit a monster and are hoping you either caught a piece or try to take a stab and are looking to set up for a CR.
One think that is important, and I think Derf mentioned this before the when you're delaing with blind steals or defenses it can be heavily read dependant.. It also has a lot to do with what's been happening at the table.... For example, how often is someone raising their button? How often is someone playing back? What hands have been shown down? There's quite a few things to be considered in situations like this... If you're constanly raising your button (and I'm in the SB) I would probably open up my 3 bettng requirements against a habitual button raiser.
As it stands here he can have anything, if he really is a TAG over a good sample he could have AK here, AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT without even having to think about it.. They'd easily fit a TAG's 3 betting range if he's playing a straightfoward TAG game. COuld also be playing AQ, AJ, 2 broadway cards... I mean there's a lot of possibilites and that 's an action flop, but a TAG 3 betting and then checking the flop raises some suspicion to me. It makes me think he's looking to CR.
HU I don't think we can fold this, the way you played it saves the most behind and probably wins the most if he's just making a play.